Guess what?
In my creative writing class we had a contest as our final.
We submitted what we considered our best work by genre and then we peer judged
genres that we had not submitted under. For example, I submitted a drama piece
and I was a judge in fiction.
We have pen names in this class. Brother Babcock gave us
clear instructions “I will read allowed the pen-name for each genre winner. If
your name is called come on up, accept the prize and read your piece. Okay
first genre is drama. Drama winner is “Sonya Evershed” Sonya Evershed, who are
I stood. The class applauded. I crossed the room to where Brother
Babcock sat on his professor throne. “Madison great piece, Daddy’s Girl, we saw
this a few weeks ago…” I stood there feeling awkward as he talked about my piece.
Firstly I was sick. I was dizzy, I felt like I was going to throw up, I just
wanted to sleep, I just wanted to eat in spite of also wanting to throw up.
Secondly I was wearing red. This was a mistake. In my
defense I hadn’t exactly known I would win, so I hadn’t dressed in a blush-proof
way. But then, when you are of my complexion there is no way to dress blush
proof. But red made a flustered blush into an “I just ate eight over ripe jalapeƱo
peppers” blush.
Finally I was embarrassed because I was only winning because
I was the only person who submitted under the genre of drama. All the other
winners would have been competing with three to eightish other writers. I had
just written in a genre no one else liked to.
“Madison, do you want to read this, or read part of this, or
act it out, or say anything or none of the above.” Brother Babcock turned to
“Um, yeah. Nothing.” Please remember I felt like I had eaten
raw fish.
“You don’t want to read?”
“Nope.” I realized I was sounding like a temperamental ungrateful
artist; I grappled to regain my dignity. “This is an older draft. I’ve already revised
it since I submitted this and I don’t like this draft.” Not a lie. Very true,
but not why I didn’t want to read.
“Um, thanks.” I said. “I feel very Bronte now.”
Yeah, so, that’s what happened.
I love the long curly hair in your gothic imagination. I guess in gothic fantasies you get the hair you've always wanted!